Blognotes from a photographer life...

Jun 16, 2010


The new PORTFOLIOS are now on the web site. I have included the most recent works and updated the "travel" concept trying to give a clearer scope to my professional attitudes.
You can download them from the portfolios page to review. Any suggestion will be welcomed!!!

Jun 11, 2010


Back in Italy and time to plan the summer work... In the meanwhile all the stories shoot in Asia in the past seven months are now on the website. Furthermore, the TPW summer workshop should be decided in these days. For those interested and with queries please send me a message and we can talk. What I can say is that, like we did last year with great results, I'll concentrate more on the creative side rather then on the professional one: it's time to give photography a completely new scope, adapting our vision tho the fast changing times.
Please visit the new TPW website and ask Carlo Roberti for special discounts that we have agreed upon.